Spec Sheet
Includes all sizes for Direct Advantage Magazine, as well as Wraps and Inserts.
Half Page
Document Size: 7.0135" x 4.6"
Safe Area: 6.75" x 4.3"
Full Page & Back Cover
Document Size: 7.75" x 10..375"
Trim size: 7.5" x 10.125"
Safe Area: 7" x 9.5"
Double Page
Document Size: 15.25" x10..375"
Trim size: 15"x 10.125"
Safe Area: 14.5" x 9.5"
Document Size: 7.75" x l 0.375"
Trim size: 7.5" x 10.125"
Safe Area: 5.8" X 9.5"​​​
Document Size: 14.5" x 10.375"
Trim size: 14.25" x 10.125"
Safe Area: 13.75" x 9.5"
Leave 1.9" white area starting from top of document for addressing
6.625" wide and 7.625" wide (
alter cutting and folding)
Postcard Insert
Doc.Size: 7.625" x 11.625"
Trim size: 7.375" x 11.375"
Safe Area: 6.875" x 10.875"
​1.25" from trim at top suggested positioning for logo, tagline, or call to action
QuadFold Menu
Document Size: 16.125" x 11.5"
Trim size: 16"x 11.375"
Safe Area: 15.75" x 11.125"
Flag Area: 1" wide (area for coupons or extra photos) Panels: 5" wide (alter cutting and folding)
Make sure the document color space and all the elements within are set to CMYK, not RGB
Do not include Pantone colors. Convert them to their CMYK equivalent.
Avoid using images under 300dpi.
Make sure all images are embedded in the document.
No text, or important elements, should go out of the "Safe Area" dimensions, though the background should extend to the full document size.
Outline, convert to vector, or rasterize all text. Or,you can send the font files used in the document to ensure accuracy.
Whenever possible, try to keep coupons on theright hand side of the ad design.
Save the file as PDF format PDF X-1 a:2001 without printer marks, registration marks, or crop marks.
Double check the dimensions prior to sending your file. The dimensions of your finished file should match the "Document Size".
Once your design is complete, email the PDF to your designer or caitlin@directadvantagemail.com (If the file is to large to email, try using a freesite like hightail.com to send larger files)
If you have questions, please contact our
Art Director (Caitlin Contaras) by emailing caitlin@directadvantagemail.com
Bifold Menu
Document Size: 14.8625" x 11.5"
Trim size: 14.75" x 11.375"
Safe Area: 14.5" x 11.125"
Flag Area: 1 " wide
(area for coupons or extra photos)
Panels: 6.8625" wide
(alter cutting and folding)
Document Size: 14.8625" x 11.5"
Trim size: 14.75" x 11.375"
Safe Area: 14.5" x 11.125"
Panels: 7.375" wide
(alter cutting and folding)